On these evenings (visits by arrangement), former course participants can use my studio, materials and tools and start new objects and / or finish objects that have already been started.
Of course, I am at your side with words and deeds. You can also bring your own material and add it to the artwork.
The cost of mosaic stones, glass and other material is calculated based on weight. For example, a piece of art 20 * 20 cm can have material costs of up to a maximum of 10 euros.
No material costs will be charged for objects started in the workshop . Most of them are already included in the workshop price.
Special materials such as gold and glass mosaic , smalts , semi-precious stones are charged differently. However, not more expensive than with other providers.
Price is billed per hour - 5 euros .
Less than 30 minutes - 2.5 euros .
Atelier opening time
by agreement,
after or during a mosaic course
Tuesday 16.30-19.00
Wednesday 3.00 p.m.-5.30 p.m.